One of the functions of the SVRPOA board is to help ensure that property owners adhere to the rules and regulations of Sierra Verde Ranch ownership as per the CC&Rs. This page is to inform owners of what is happening “legally” around Sierra Verde Ranch. Because the SVRPOA Board is a corporation, representation and defense on all legal matters must be by legal counsel not an individual. Legal means for a solution is not cheap and costs every property owner equally. All attempts to resolve any issues should be completely exhausted before entering into a formal legal battle.
Any questions or you would like further information, “contact us” or better yet, come to the board meetings and learn first hand how the board and ranch work, its the only way to know what is really happening. We would love to see you there!
Potential owner vs Yavapai County Issue: rezoning request
A potential new buyer for SVR wanted to establish a substantial COMMERCIAL OPERATION called Dragonfly Fruit farm. They filed a petition to Yavapai county to have the SVR parcel they were interested in purchasing rezoned to allow for such a COMMERCIAL OPERATION. Once the SVRPOA board was informed of this intent we sent a letter to the county opposing the rezoning. Due to the opposition by the SVRPOA due to the CC&R violation that does not allow for business operations from an SVR parcel, the request was withdrawn and the buyer sought to purchase land more suitable to a commercial operation.
SVRPOA vs Property owner. ISSUE: Possible CC&R violation OUTCOME: Judge rules in favor of POA/Plantiffs 08/26/21
Property Owner vs SVRPOA. ISSUE: Road maintenance & BOD actions OUTCOME: Judge rules 90% in favor of POA, however awarded owner legal fees.